
Japanese Food Recipes "Cheese Potatos"

Today i show you how to make a Japanese Food Recipes "Cheese Potatos" in 5 minutes.

It is very easy quick dinner for your family. My kids love this "Cheese Potatos" with rice.

■Japanese Food Recipes - "Cheese Potatos"
for two people serve:

Potatos x 3
Ham x 1
Corn x 2
Salt, Pepper
Mayonese x 1 big spoon
Cheese x 1
Piza cheese

■ how to make "Cheese Potatos"

Peel the potatoes and cut finely.
Covered with plastic wrap and then heated in a microwave(4mins).

Crush the potatoes and put corn, mayonnaise, salt and pepper.

On top of potatos, put piza cheese and tomato sauce etc.....

heat in microwave one minutes and done!

So easy and quick food.....

Enjoy your meal!